Sunday, August 22, 2010


William Henry Raworth 1820-1904; This Artist painted views of NZ and Australia, active 1850's through to 1900's.
This Water Colour was purchased in the UK by who I would think is an Australian Art Dealer, This painting was re-offered in Australia August 2010 via Leonard Joels Weekly Art Auction.
Incorrectly Catalogued as, Foul Peaks New Zealand 1917 it was sold for little money.
The buyer deciphered the title on the front of this painting as W.H.Raworth; Mt Four Peaks 23rd Oct 71 and yes that would be 1871.
So with a little research the buyer comes up with the exact same view painted by the same Artist W.H.Raworth 1871,in the permanent Collection of the
NATIONAL LIBRARY OF NEW ZEALAND; Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa, ALEXANDER TURNBULL LIBRARY, which houses a Collection of Historical and Significant views of NZ in there important permanent Collection.